J.R. Wolkin: Routines Not Extremes: How to set an intention and keep it. Invited guest speaker at Rockefeller University-Wellness at Rockefeller inside.rockefeller.edu/hr/wellness (June 2013)
J.R. Wolkin: Women’s wellness fireside chat with Associate Corporate Medical Director at J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. (May 2013)
J.R. Wolkin. Chronic Pain: A Lifetime of Liminality. American Society for Pain Management Nursing. Bellevue Medical Center. Invited Lecturer (May 2012).
J.R. Wolkin. “Is it all in my head?” A psychological approach to pain. Pain Medicine Grand Rounds, New York University Langone Medical Center (November 2011).
J.R.Wolkin. A Mind Body Approach to Coping with Pain. Guest on the New York State Psychological Association (NYSPA) podcast. http://nyspa.blogspot.com/. (October 2011).
J.R. Wolkin. Paving the Road to Mind Body Health. New York State Psychological Association (NYSPA) Community Wellness Fair. Invited lecturer. (September 2011). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dl7bjUrYag&feature=youtu.be
J.R. Wolkin, P.C. Mayer. Building a Church without Bricks: A meaning-centered group with Parkinson’s disease patients. Accepted as paper session presented at the American Psychological Association annual convention (August 2011).