Media Requests

If you’d like Dr. Wolkin to speak at your next event, or for your publication, please contact her to make a request.


Previous Press & Media Engagements Include:
“Learning to Accept Our Emotions: Lessons from Disney’s ‘Inside Out’” – PsychCentral
“Can Your Skin-Care Routine Relieve Anxiety?” – Allure Magazine
“How the Brain Changes When You Meditate” –
“Debunking Fibromyalgia as Just in Your Head. The Real Truth” – Further Food
“PTSD and Chronic Pain” PsychCentral
“Cultivating multiple aspects of attention through mindfulness meditation accounts for psychological well-being through decreased rumination” – Dove Medical Press
“Trauma & PTSD” – MILITARY MOM TALK RADIO with Sandra Beck and Robin Boyd
“Brain Science & How To Manage Pain Through Mindfulness with Dr. Jennifer Wolkin” – The OneMind Podcast on About Meditation
“Why Women Are More Accepting of “Dad Bod” Than Men Are of “Mom Bod” – Psychologists weigh in on the double standard” in Women’s Health Magazine
“The Best Way to Meditate” on The Best of Everything with Barbara Hannah Grufferman of AARP
“How to tell the difference between SAD and the Winter Blues” on
“10 Signs You Should See a Doctor for Depression” on 
“Men Struggle With Wives’ Breast Cancer in Silence” on ABC News Online via Good Morning America
“New York’s best hospitals: NYU Langone Medical Center treats women right” Health Psychology in a Medical Practice in The Daily News
A Psychological View “On Your Marks. Sublative skin rejuvenation, acne scar treatment” in Happi Magazine
Prevention Magazine