From the Desk of Jennifer Wolkin, PhD:

Welcome to BrainCurves™, my blog and online mind-body-brain wellness community.

Since as far back as I can remember writing has been a tool I’ve used in order to connect both more deeply with my innermost self, and to others. Today I enjoy writing for the greater purpose of sharing my love of teaching the science of whole-body wellness.
Through my writing, I seek to connect with you so that we may support one another and learn together how to embrace all aspects of who we are. From the unique neural tracts curving through our brains, to the unique curves of our bodies – no matter what our background, shape, or size.
I’ve found, both personally and professionally, that a key element in living our best lives is finding a like-minded community in which we can support one another through healing thoughts, words, and ideas.
Please join me by commenting, sharing, and adding your voice. I welcome your questions, feedback, and invite you to truly make BrainCurves your own.
I hope you enjoy my musings about the mind-body-brain approach to living your best life. Together, let’s embrace all of our curves, be brainspired, and go from surviving to thriving!


There is research that those experiencing PTSD reported improved well-being in response to poetry therapy. This might be the case because a hallmark of having experienced trauma is the subsequent difficulty processing the experience, which results in avoiding and...

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By way of full-disclosure, I’m tearing up as I write this. In the last few years alone, we have seen a rise in mass school shootings; that is, the death of innocent children, adolescents, and their adult mentors/teachers in cold blood. I too, continue to grapple with...

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This is your Brain on Poetry

This is your Brain on Poetry

Poetry: Your new tool for a healthy self & brain Did you know that Emily Dickinson can change your neurophysiology? Well, maybe not Dickinson herself, but certainly the poetry she wrote.In 2013, researchers at the University of Exeter had subjects take functional...

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BrainCurves Blog


Contact Dr. Wolkin

7 West 30th Street
11th Floor, Room 14
New York, NY 10001
Phone: (347) 506-1612