Workshop 2 – “Where Did I Leave My Keys?”: How to sharpen our memory as we age
Many of us are increasingly concerned about how to retain our memories and mental sharpness as we age. Whether you’re working or retired from your profession, you can never retire from your mind.
Just like with our 401k and savings, the steps that we take when we are younger help to set us up for lifelong mental acuity, but it is never too late to start! Our brain is always growing and changing, and memory is instrumental in most, if not all, levels of human cognition – which is important for continued mental health in our golden years.
In this workshop, I will talk about the different types of memory, their neural architecture, and their different functions in our lives. You will also learn about the ways in which our memory can be negatively impacted and walk away with valuable exercises that will help you reduce stress in order to boost your memory.
I look forward to working with you!

Workshop 3 – Mindful Matters: Mindfulness beyond a buzzword as a vehicle for fostering mind-body-brain wellness
In today’s day and age, “mindful” and “mindfulness” have become often meaningless buzzwords that are used colloquially. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if many of you have been told to “Be Mindful.” Yet, do we really know what it means to truly be mindful or to cultivate mindfulness?
There is a lot of variance regarding theoretical and practical definitions of mindfulness, which is why it is a particularly ambiguous concept. Yet, a vast literature of controlled studies have found that being mindful (i.e., practicing mindfulness meditation) is related to improved mental health across a variety of disorders, including different anxiety disorders, depression, eating disorders, substance abuse, trauma, and chronic pain symptom reduction.
What makes my mindfulness course unique is that I am dedicated to offering you the science behind my lessons, and a hands-on training approach. I dip into the scientific research studying mindfulness, translate its jargon, and share the bottom-line take-home message. I want to lay out for you in tangible terms why mindfulness practice is essential for thriving and kicking butt at life!
I look forward to working with you!

Workshop 4 – Living a Two-Brain Lifestyle: Nurturing lifelong wellness via the gut-brain connection

Most of us can relate to the experience of having “butterflies” in our stomach, or to a visceral “gut-wrenching” feeling, and how often are we told not to ignore our “gut-instinct” or “gut-feeling” when making a decision?
It is clear, even from our simple slang, just how symbolically connected the gut is to our emotions, and now there is tangible proof to support these popular metaphors.
Research has shown that the body is actually composed of more bacteria than it is cells. Collectively, these trillions of bacteria are called the microbiome and most of those bacteria reside in our gut, sometimes referred to as the gut microbiota, and they play multiple roles in our overall health.
The gut is no longer seen as an entity with the sole goal of helping with all aspects of digestion. Rather, more and more it is being confirmed as a key player in regulating our overall wellness.
In this course, I will walk you through the science of the gut-brain connection, and help you translate that into a “Two-Brain Lifestyle” that fosters full mind-body-brain wellness. This includes stress-reduction techniques and practices for other lifestyle changes, including nutrition and eating habits.
I look forward to working with you!